Canceled FT exam
I was going to take “FP technician” qualification exam on 2020 May 24th.
With a FP technician qualification, you can acquire money management skills.
To be qualified as a FP technician there are grades 1-3, I passed the third grade in January this year, so I was going to take second grade this time.
I studied hard every day to prepare for this exam.
But due to COVID-19, the May 24th exam was canceled.
I felt put out by the announcement of the cancelation, because I was really motivated and studying very hard.
But my goal hasn’t changed.
One and half months before the FP technician exam day, in mid-April, there was an announcement about the cancelation of the exam.
But because this exam was canceled, I have plenty of time to prepare for the next exam in September.
When I heard the announcement of the cancellation, I did not change my goal.
Instead I continued to study as if the exam would go ahead as scheduled without being canceled.
I was afraid I would lose my enthusiasm, if I didn’t keep going.
Thanks to that, I was able to acquire the knowledge needed to take the second grade FP technician exam.
I was able to get a pass in the mock test just before the exam day.
It helps you to achieve your goal.
I set a goal to pass the second grade FP technician exam.
And then I made an effort to study diligently.
Once the goal is set, all you have to do is to keep working towards your goal.
Happy Note helps you to keep making progress.
1. I studied 2 hours for FP technician exam.
2. I finished 30 pages of the workbook.
I wrote down my daily activity on Happy Note this way.
Writing it down on Happy Note really helps you to stay motivated and keep working towards your goal.
It is wonderful to set a goal and progress towards it, for a bright future.
If you haven’t got such a goal yet, why don’t you take this opportunity to set a happy goal?
Happy Note will support you on your way to all your happy goals.
Author – Annyui
This investor and blogger studies finance while getting treatment for a second-grade mental illness. “Annyui’s financial blog feed is now available. Her introduction page is here.